Micro dosing has become a global class A drug that is illegal, yet accepted in Canada at the same time as they contain the psychedelic compound known as psilocybin. When you buy Amazing shrooms online, Micro-dosing has various benefits that seem to be endless. These include: high energy levels, boosting creativity levels, and stabilizing moods, among others.

 While psychedelics aren’t for the weak, according to recent scientific research, those who induce have reported lower levels of depression, anxiety, and heightened focus and mood, explaining why most people are getting into it.


Micro-dosing refers to regularly inducing a minimal dose of a psychedelic substance. The recommended amounts to safely micro-dose mushrooms can be as small as one-twentieth of a recreational dose. It expounds on why those who micro-dose do not experience psychoactive effects.

How To Micro-dose

If you want to micro-dose for productivity or to be ‘high,’ dosing is all you need. Too much of the dose, and you get a full-blown trip, and you get no results if you use too little of the quantity. 

First, dry them out, then later grind them into a powder. The mushrooms can also be eaten whole or made into capsules.

The recommended dose of mushrooms is a third of a gram or 0.1- 0.9 grams. Micro-dose people consume 0.3 grams, but this also depends on your body weight. Newbies on micro-dosing typically begin with a much less amount and gradually build to the standard dose. A person who takes a 3.5-gram dose or higher will have a psychedelic effect. 

When micro-dosing, the desired pattern would be to consume it on alternate days for one or two weeks, then take a week off. The break in between is necessary to avoid building a dependency and cost considerations as it is costly.

Furthermore, experts suggest not mixing the mushrooms with other drugs, especially alcohol, as it may alter the brain’s normal functioning.

Benefits of Micro-dosing

Scientific reports and surveys indicate certain benefits of micro-dose mushrooms. They include:

· It helps relieve anxiety and reduce depression

· Boosts the creative side of an individual

· Improves pain tolerance

· Boosts productivity

· Improves positive emotions like feeling happier

· Better body functioning

How To Consume Mushrooms

The powder can be ingested, but it is not recommended as most users describe it as having an awful taste. A better and more effective method to consume the mushrooms would be to add them to your daily cup of coffee or tea. You can boost the flavour by adding honey, lemon, or both. You can also consume Mushroom Chocolate if you don’t like the taste of dried magic mushrooms.

The other alternative is to take empty capsules, fill them with powder, and consume them monthly instead of weekly. You can find capsules to do this from Hey Sero:


Research shows that micro-dosing has more pros than cons, but that doesn’t alleviate the dangers it can inflict on a person. The bottom line is: If you want to micro-dose, ensure you use the correct dosage, avoid mixing it and take the required breaks.